Last Minute..

by Daniella Grace in , ,

Nothing like a little last minute trip to Hawaii.  And when I say last minute, I mean I'm here with nothing but my purse, cell phone and ID. And I'm surprised I managed to grab those with the 25 minutes I had to catch the plane. Thankfully, the girls had a bit more time before their flight and threw a couple of extra items in their suitcase for me.


I'm thinking I could really get used to this kind of travel though... Maybe I'll start a new blog called the "Bagless Traveler" haha. I'm an "overpacker" in every since of the word so not having two suitcases with me at all times is extremely foreign but this whole no stress about what I should wear and the no make-up thing is really growing on me. I feel so much more relaxed and stress free this way. Whereas the thought of not having my belongings with me before would have given me an anxiety attack. Sometimes you just have to step outside the box and try something new. And as hard as it might sound, I highly, HIGHLY recommend taking a trip at some point with absolutely nothing. You'll thank me later... ;)

 Anyways the girls and I have been working and shooting for the past three days and have made time this afternoon to enjoy the beach and go for a little surf. Then we catch a redeye to Vegas tonight where we'll be for a total of 6 hrs before hoping back on a plane to LA. Xx

Dress - Alexis